Zoomの「手を挙げる」機能の使い方と効果的な活用例を紹介! NECネッツエスアイ from symphonict.nesic.co.jp
Are you looking to expand your Japanese vocabulary? Do you want to master the usage of 挙げる in your daily conversations? Look no further, as this article will guide you through the different ways to use 挙げる and its nuances.
What is 挙げる?
挙げる (ageru) is a Japanese verb that means "to raise" or "to put up." It is a transitive verb, which means it requires an object to act upon. In Japanese, you can use 挙げる to express a wide range of ideas, from raising your hand to volunteer for a task to putting up a poster on the wall.
Basic Usage of 挙げる
The most common usage of 挙げる is to indicate raising or putting something up. For instance, if you want to say "I raised my hand," you can say "私は手を挙げました" (watashi wa te wo agemashita). In this case, "手" (te) is the object that is being raised.
Using 挙げる for Examples
Another way to use 挙げる is to provide examples. If you want to say "For example, I like sushi," you can say "例えば、私は寿司が好きです" (tatoeba, watashi wa sushi ga suki desu). In this case, "例えば" (tatoeba) means "for example," and "私は寿司が好きです" (watashi wa sushi ga suki desu) means "I like sushi."
Using 挙げる to Show Gratitude
挙げる can also be used to show gratitude or appreciation. For instance, if someone helps you with a task, you can say "お手伝いいただきありがとうございます" (otetsudai itadaki arigatou gozaimasu). In this case, "いただき" (itadaki) is the humble form of 挙げる, which means "to receive."
Advanced Usage of 挙げる
挙げる has several advanced usages that require a more in-depth understanding of the language. For instance, you can use 挙げる to indicate the completion of an action. If you want to say "I finished reading the book," you can say "私は本を読み終えました" (watashi wa hon wo yomi oemashita). In this case, "読み終えました" (yomi oemashita) is the past tense of the verb 挙げる.
Using 挙げる for Giving a Speech
挙げる can also be used in formal settings, such as giving a speech. If you want to say "I would like to raise the issue of climate change," you can say "私は気候変動の問題を挙げたいと思います" (watashi wa kikou hendou no mondai wo agetai to omoimasu). In this case, "気候変動の問題" (kikou hendou no mondai) means "the issue of climate change."
Using 挙げる for Criticizing
挙げる can also be used to criticize or point out a flaw. If you want to say "One of the problems with this plan is that it's too expensive," you can say "この計画の問題の一つは、あまりにも高価だということです" (kono keikaku no mondai no hitotsu wa, amari ni mo kouka da to iu koto desu). In this case, "問題の一つは" (mondai no hitotsu wa) means "one of the problems is."
In conclusion, 挙げる is a versatile verb that can express a wide range of ideas in Japanese. From basic usage such as raising your hand to indicate a desire to speak to more advanced expressions such as criticizing or pointing out flaws, 挙げる is an essential verb to master in Japanese. By understanding the nuances of 挙げる, you can take your Japanese language skills to the next level.
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