> 5+ 認識 使い方 Ideas - Fazmakz

5+ 認識 使い方 Ideas

「認識」の意味・使い方とは?「理解」「認知」との違いも解説 from biz.trans-suite.jp


If you’re looking to improve your Japanese language skills, you may come across the terms 認識 (ninshiki) and 使い方 (tsukaikata). In this article, we will explore what these terms mean and how to use them in everyday conversation.

What is 認識 (Ninshiki)?

認識 (ninshiki) means recognition or awareness. It can refer to recognizing something as true or understanding a concept. For example, if you say “私は日本語を話すことができます” (Watashi wa Nihongo o hanasu koto ga dekimasu), it means “I can speak Japanese.” If someone responds with “あなたは日本語を話すことができるという認識がある” (Anata wa Nihongo o hanasu koto ga dekiru to iu ninshiki ga aru), it means “There is recognition that you can speak Japanese.”

What is 使い方 (Tsukaikata)?

使い方 (tsukaikata) means usage or how to use something. It is often used when explaining how to use a device or product. For example, if you buy a new phone and don’t know how to use it, you might ask someone “この携帯電話の使い方を教えてください” (Kono keitai denwa no tsukaikata o oshiete kudasai), which means “Please teach me how to use this cellphone.”

Using 認識 (Ninshiki) and 使い方 (Tsukaikata) in Conversation

Now that we know what these terms mean, let’s look at some examples of how to use them in conversation.

Example 1

A: このカメラはどうやって使うんですか? (Kono kamera wa dou yatte tsukau n desu ka?)
B: このカメラの使い方を教えましょう。 (Kono kamera no tsukaikata o oshiemashou.)
A: ありがとうございます! (Arigatou gozaimasu!) Translation:
A: How do you use this camera?
B: Let me teach you how to use this camera.
A: Thank you!

Example 2

A: 私はプログラミングを勉強しています。 (Watashi wa puroguramingu o benkyou shiteimasu.)
B: あなたはプログラミングを理解しているという認識がありますか? (Anata wa puroguramingu o rikai shiteiru to iu ninshiki ga arimasu ka?) Translation:
A: I am studying programming.
B: Is there recognition that you understand programming?

Tips for Using 認識 (Ninshiki) and 使い方 (Tsukaikata) Correctly

When using these terms, it’s important to keep in mind a few tips to ensure you use them correctly.

Tip 1: Understand the Context

Make sure you understand the context in which these terms are being used. For example, if someone asks “この車の使い方を教えてください” (Kono kuruma no tsukaikata o oshiete kudasai), it means “Please teach me how to use this car,” not “Please teach me how to recognize this car.”

Tip 2: Use the Correct Particles

When using these terms, make sure to use the correct particles. For example, the particle を (o) is used with 使い方 (tsukaikata), while the particle が (ga) is used with 認識 (ninshiki).

Tip 3: Practice Makes Perfect

As with any new language skill, practice makes perfect. Try using these terms in everyday conversation to become more comfortable with them.


In conclusion, 認識 (ninshiki) and 使い方 (tsukaikata) are important terms to know when learning Japanese. By understanding their meanings and how to use them in conversation, you can improve your language skills and better communicate with native speakers.

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