> 8+ 乃至 使い方 References - Fazmakz

8+ 乃至 使い方 References

「ないし(乃至)」の意味とは?ビジネス・法律用語での使い方も from biz.trans-suite.jp


Have you ever heard of the Japanese word "乃至" (nai shi)? If not, don't worry, you're not alone. This word is not commonly used in everyday conversation, but it is still an important part of the Japanese language. In this article, we will explore the meaning, usage, and examples of "乃至" in relaxed English language.

What is "乃至"?

"乃至" is a conjunction that is used to connect two or more words, phrases, or sentences. It is similar to the words "and" or "or" in English, but it is used in a more formal or literary context. The word "乃至" is made up of two characters: "乃" (nai), which means "even" or "to the extent of," and "至" (shi), which means "to" or "until."

Usage of "乃至"

"乃至" is used to express a range of possibilities or extremes. It can be used to connect two or more items that are similar or related. For example, "日本の伝統的な文化、乃至芸術に興味がある" (nihon no dentō-teki na bunka, nai shi geijutsu ni kyōmi ga aru) means "I am interested in Japanese traditional culture, including art." It can also be used to connect two or more items that are dissimilar or unrelated. For example, "私は犬乃至猫が好きです" (watashi wa inu nai shi neko ga suki desu) means "I like dogs and even cats."

Examples of "乃至"

Here are some more examples of "乃至" in context: 1. "彼女は英語乃至スペイン語を話せる" (kanojo wa eigo nai shi supein-go o hanaseru) means "She can speak English and even Spanish." 2. "私は旅行が好きです。乃至、毎年海外旅行に行っています" (watashi wa ryokō ga suki desu. nai shi, maitoshi kaigai ryokō ni itte imasu) means "I like traveling. In fact, I go on overseas trips every year." 3. "彼はレストランで、乃至高級なものを注文します" (kare wa resutoran de, nai shi kōkyū na mono o chūmon shimasu) means "He orders even expensive items at restaurants."


In conclusion, "乃至" is a conjunction that is used to connect two or more items to express a range of possibilities or extremes. It is not commonly used in everyday conversation, but it is still an important part of the Japanese language. We hope that this article has helped you better understand the meaning, usage, and examples of "乃至."

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