If you're learning Japanese, you might have come across the verb 留める (todomeru) and wondered what it means. In this article, we'll explore the different ways you can use 留める in everyday Japanese conversation.
What Does 留める Mean?
留める is a transitive verb that means "to keep, to hold back, to stop, to detain, to retain, or to preserve". Its basic meaning is to prevent something from moving or going away.
How to Use 留める in Japanese
There are many ways to use 留める in Japanese, and we'll go through some of the most common ones in this article.
1. 留める as "to Stop"
One of the most common uses of 留める is to mean "to stop". For example, you can use 留める to ask someone to stop doing something. For instance, if your friend is talking too loudly, you can say "ちょっと、声を留めてください。(Chotto, koe o tomete kudasai)" which means "Hey, please lower your voice.".
2. 留める as "to Hold Back"
留める is also used to mean "to hold back". For example, you can use 留める to express holding back tears. For instance, if you're feeling emotional, but you don't want to cry in front of others, you can say "泣きそうだけど、涙を留めている。(Nakisou dakedo, namida o tomete iru)" which means "I feel like crying, but I'm holding back my tears.".
3. 留める as "to Retain"
留める can also mean "to retain". For example, if you want to keep a memory or feel of something, you can use 留める. For instance, if you want to remember a beautiful sunset, you can say "あの日の夕日の色を留めたい。(Ano hi no yuuhi no iro o tometai)" which means "I want to retain the color of that sunset in my memory.".
4. 留める as "to Preserve"
留める can also mean "to preserve". For example, you can use 留める to talk about preserving food. For instance, if you want to preserve some vegetables, you can say "野菜を留めるために冷蔵庫に入れておく。(Yasai o tomeru tame ni reizouko ni irete oku)" which means "I'll put the vegetables in the fridge to preserve them.".
5. 留める as "to Detain"
Lastly, 留める can mean "to detain". For example, if someone is trying to leave a place without paying, you can use 留める to hold them back. For instance, you can say "逃げようとする人を留める。(Nigeyou to suru hito o tomeru)" which means "I'll detain the person who's trying to escape.".
留める is a versatile verb that can be used in different ways depending on the context. In this article, we've explored some of the most common uses of 留める in everyday Japanese conversation. We hope that this guide has been helpful in expanding your knowledge of the Japanese language.
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