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9+ In The First Place 使い方 Article

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First Place Medal Badge Clipart Image Gallery Yopriceville Clip Art from clipart-library.com


If you're learning Japanese, you might have come across the phrase "in the first place" or "というか" (to iu ka). This phrase is commonly used in everyday conversations and is often confusing for beginners. In this article, we'll discuss the different ways to use "in the first place" in Japanese and provide examples to help you understand its usage better.

Basic Usage

The most common usage of "in the first place" in Japanese is to express regret or annoyance about something that has already happened. For example, if you forgot to bring an important document to a meeting, you might say "to iu ka, shinchou ga nai" (in the first place, I didn't check my bag properly). This phrase indicates that you're taking responsibility for your mistake and expressing regret about it.

Usage in Arguments

"In the first place" can also be used in arguments to express disbelief or disagreement. For example, if someone makes a claim that you find ridiculous, you might say "to iu ka, sonna koto ga aru no?" (in the first place, does such a thing even exist?). This usage of the phrase indicates that you don't believe what the other person is saying and are questioning their argument.

Usage in Explanations

"In the first place" can also be used to provide background information or context for something. For example, if you're explaining why you don't like a particular restaurant, you might say "to iu ka, kyonen san ni sasotte moratta tabemono ga mazui kara" (in the first place, the food I got from there last year was terrible). This usage of the phrase indicates that you're providing information that will help the listener understand your point of view.

Usage in Hypotheticals

"In the first place" can also be used in hypothetical situations to express a condition or requirement. For example, if you're discussing a possible job offer, you might say "to iu ka, kyuuryou ga takai nara, hoka no shigoto to kangaeru" (in the first place, if the salary is high, I'll consider other jobs). This usage of the phrase indicates that you're setting a condition for your decision-making.

Usage in Summarizing

"In the first place" can also be used to summarize a previous statement or argument. For example, if you're discussing why you don't want to go to a particular event, you might say "to iu ka, shiriai no hito ga iku kara, watashi wa ikanai" (in the first place, I'm not going because people I know are going). This usage of the phrase indicates that you're summarizing the main point of your argument.

Usage in Conclusions

"In the first place" can also be used in conclusions to express a definitive decision or outcome. For example, if you're discussing the outcome of a project, you might say "to iu ka, koukai shita" (in the first place, it was a failure). This usage of the phrase indicates that you're making a definitive conclusion about the project.


"In the first place" is a versatile phrase in Japanese that can be used in a variety of situations. By understanding its different usages, you can improve your overall comprehension of Japanese and use it correctly in different contexts. We hope this article has been helpful in explaining the different ways to use "in the first place" in Japanese.

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