iPhone「計測アプリ」の使い方と正確に測るコツ [iPhone] All About from allabout.co.jp
In today's era of technology, smartphones have become an integral part of our lives. The iPhone is one of the most popular smartphones in the world, and it comes with a variety of features. One of the features that is often overlooked is the measurement tool. In this article, we will discuss how to use the iPhone measurement tool in 2023.
What is the iPhone Measurement Tool?
The iPhone measurement tool is a built-in feature that allows you to measure the length, width, and height of objects using your phone's camera. This feature is available on all iPhones that have iOS 12 or later.
How to Access the iPhone Measurement Tool
To access the iPhone measurement tool, go to your home screen and open the Measure app. This app is pre-installed on all iPhones that have iOS 12 or later.
How to Use the iPhone Measurement Tool
Using the iPhone measurement tool is easy. Point your camera at the object you want to measure and move your phone until you see a white dot. Tap on the dot to set the starting point of your measurement. Then, move your phone to the end of the object you want to measure and tap on the white dot again to set the end point. The measurement will appear on your screen.
Benefits of Using the iPhone Measurement Tool
The iPhone measurement tool can be used for a variety of purposes. It can be used to measure the size of furniture when you're shopping for new pieces, or to measure the dimensions of a room when you're moving into a new home. It can also be used to measure the height of a person or the length of a piece of fabric.
Tips for Using the iPhone Measurement Tool
To get the most accurate measurements, it's important to hold your phone steady and make sure that the object you're measuring is in focus. You should also try to measure objects in good lighting conditions, as this can affect the accuracy of the measurements.
The iPhone measurement tool is a handy feature that can be used for a variety of purposes. Whether you're measuring furniture, dimensions of a room, or the length of a piece of fabric, the iPhone measurement tool can help you get accurate measurements quickly and easily. With these tips, you'll be able to use the iPhone measurement tool like a pro in 2023.
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