> 6+ 懐紙 使い方 和菓子 For You - Fazmakz

6+ 懐紙 使い方 和菓子 For You

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The Beauty of Kaishi and Wagashi

If you're a fan of traditional Japanese culture, you might have come across the terms kaishi and wagashi. Kaishi refers to a small, square piece of paper used for various purposes, such as wiping your hands or mouth, wrapping a gift, or even as a coaster. Wagashi, on the other hand, are traditional Japanese sweets often served with tea. The combination of kaishi and wagashi creates a beautiful and harmonious experience for the senses. The delicate flavors and textures of wagashi are perfectly complemented by the elegant and practical use of kaishi. In this article, we'll explore the many ways you can use kaishi with wagashi.

Choosing the Right Kaishi

Kaishi comes in various sizes, colors, and designs. When choosing a kaishi for your wagashi, consider the occasion, the season, and the theme. For example, you might choose a red kaishi with a cherry blossom design for a spring tea party or a gold kaishi with a crane design for a New Year's celebration.


If you're not sure which kaishi to choose, ask the shop assistant or do some research online. You can also mix and match different kaishi for a more colorful and eclectic look.

Unwrapping Wagashi with Kaishi

When serving wagashi, it's customary to wrap each piece in a kaishi. This not only adds a touch of elegance but also serves a practical purpose of keeping the sweets fresh and clean. To unwrap the wagashi, simply fold the kaishi in half diagonally and gently peel it away from the sweet.


If you're serving multiple wagashi, arrange them on a plate or a tray with the folded kaishi facing up. This will make it easier for your guests to unwrap them.

Using Kaishi as a Coaster

If you're drinking tea with your wagashi, you can use a kaishi as a coaster for your cup. Simply fold the kaishi in half diagonally twice to make a small square, and place it under your cup. This will protect your table from any spills or stains and add a decorative touch to your tea set.


You can also use a kaishi as a coaster for your wagashi. This will prevent the sweet from sticking to the plate and make it easier to pick up with your fingers.

Wiping Your Hands and Mouth with Kaishi

Kaishi can also be used as a hand or mouth towel. Simply fold the kaishi in half diagonally and use it to wipe your hands or mouth after eating. This is considered more polite and hygienic than using your sleeve or a napkin.


When using a kaishi as a hand or mouth towel, be sure to use only one side of the paper. This will prevent any food or drink stains from transferring to the other side.

Wrapping Gifts with Kaishi

Kaishi can also be used as a wrapping paper for small gifts. Simply place the gift in the center of the kaishi, fold the corners over the gift, and tie it with a ribbon or string. This is a beautiful and eco-friendly alternative to traditional wrapping paper.


You can also use a kaishi as a gift tag. Simply write your message on the kaishi with a pen or marker and attach it to the gift with a ribbon or string.


Kaishi and wagashi are two of the many treasures of traditional Japanese culture. By using kaishi with wagashi, you can create a beautiful and harmonious experience for yourself and your guests. Whether you're serving tea, eating sweets, or wrapping gifts, kaishi is a versatile and practical companion that adds an extra touch of elegance and beauty.

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