> 7+ 括弧 使い方 Ideas - Fazmakz

7+ 括弧 使い方 Ideas

括弧の使い方で読みやすさが全然違ってくる!7つのテクニック from xn--3kq3hlnz13dlw7bzic.jp


Writing in Japanese can be challenging, especially for non-native speakers. One aspect of Japanese writing that can be particularly tricky is the use of brackets, also known as 括弧 (kakko) in Japanese. These symbols, which come in different shapes and sizes, serve various purposes in a sentence. In this article, we will explore the different types of brackets and how to use them correctly.

Types of Brackets

There are three main types of brackets used in Japanese writing: round brackets (丸括弧), square brackets (角括弧), and angled brackets (山括弧). Round brackets are usually used to provide additional information, while square brackets are used to show corrections or changes made to the original text. Angled brackets are used to quote someone else's words.

Round Brackets (丸括弧)

Round brackets are the most commonly used type of bracket in Japanese writing. They are used to add supplementary information to a sentence. For example, "私は彼女に会った(昨日)" means "I met her (yesterday)." The word "yesterday" is enclosed in round brackets to give additional information about when the meeting took place.

Square Brackets (角括弧)

Square brackets are used to show corrections or changes made to the original text. For example, "私は日本語[が/を]勉強しています" means "I am studying Japanese [grammar/vocabulary]." The square brackets indicate that either "が" or "を" could be used in the sentence, depending on the context.

Angled Brackets (山括弧)

Angled brackets are used to quote someone else's words. For example, "彼女は『明日会える』と言った" means "She said, 'I can meet you tomorrow.'" The words "I can meet you tomorrow" are enclosed in angled brackets to indicate that they are a direct quote.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Using brackets correctly is essential for clear communication in Japanese writing. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

Mixing up the types of brackets

Using the wrong type of bracket can change the meaning of a sentence. For example, using angled brackets instead of round brackets to provide additional information can make the sentence sound like a quote.

Using too many brackets

Using too many brackets can make a sentence difficult to read and understand. It is best to use them sparingly and only when necessary.


In conclusion, brackets are an essential component of Japanese writing. They serve various purposes, from providing additional information to quoting someone else's words. By understanding the different types of brackets and how to use them correctly, you can improve your Japanese writing skills and communicate more effectively.

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